SHANNON's vision:
One of Boston's most forward-thinking, outspoken, and progressive attorneys, Shannon McAuliffe has spent 20 years championing reforms to our criminal justice system that value the lives of Bostonians of all backgrounds.
Defending over a thousand citizens, with a reputation for relentlessness, innovation, and integrity.
Years championing reform
Delving into some of the hardest change work imaginable with a tough population: young men, often gang members, who had been convicted of crimes and often victims of crime.
of long-term participants at program that shannon directed had no new arrests
After two years with Shannon at the helm, measurable increases in enrollment, attendance, and job placement.
"Shannon is one of the best people I have met literally, from walking me into courthouses to helping me deal with life situations. My whole life changed when Shannon invited me to my first peacemaking circle. She taught me how to feel and love myself - she always made me feel special like I wasn’t different even though my circumstances. I feel like if there were more Shannons, there would be more youth alive."
- Jose, 25 year old man who participated in an anti-violence program Shannon directed
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